Monday, December 8, 2008

I heard that one of the malls close to downtown Denver had a pretty great Christmas display for children, so we went and tried it out. These are the boys driving the pretend Polar Express, with all sorts of buttons, wheels, and whistles to the North Pole.

They entered a large snow globe, with Santa and the little boy from the movie at a make believe north pole. Just outisde this snow globe is the real Santa; which included a thirty minute line. I just assumed skip it, but Kent thought it was crucial that he tell Santa he had been a good boy, and what he wanted for Christmas. Isaak, as I expected, would not go anywhere near the sled that they had Santa sitting in. We don't have any pictures of the event because the mall takes that picture, and then charges you about $50 for a package.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bar Passage

Well for any that haven't already heard, we found out this last week that I passed the bar exam, and went in and was sworn in as a lawyer yesterday. Now the only thing left to do is find a job. On the way over to be sworn in yesterday Kent very excitedly said "Daddy your going to be sworn in as a Liar." I wasn't sure if I should correct him or not since most people would probably think there is nothing incorrect with using that word for a lawyer.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Kids had a great night. Both of them still love Bob the builder, this year we thought it was Isaak's turn. Somebody gave of us the crocdile costume, which Kent has been excited about for months. Most of his friends were superheros or star wars figures; as it got closer he started to feel a little left out. Even his very good friend, Rileigh, who is a girl down the street, dressed up as wonder woman. We promsied next year we can try and come up with a jedi knight or superhero costume. Isaak was just bewildered that you could knock on doors and people drop candy in your bucket. Adam claims he got more per house because people thought he was so cute. I keep having to remind him that it is a one day a year phenomenon.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fourth of July

The kids had a great time on the fourth. This was right after a bicycle parade in the neighborhood that Kent got to ride in. He was a little worn out by the end. Their favorite part was the fire truck leading the way and blowing its siren.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Making food with mom

Here are some pictures of the boys making pudding with their mom on a warm spring day. Things got a little messier after these pictures were taken, but unfortunately we didn't snap anymore pictures.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Starting up a blog

Well I have been trying to get Alessa to start a blog for us, but couldn't convince her since she already has one that she does on her families website. So since I couldn't get her to do it, and I'm too lazy and busy to create posts I decided I would make this and copy and paste everything she puts on her families website.
We are still living in in Denver while I finish up my last semester of law school. After that I will be spending the whole summer studying for the bar exam. Yippee! I am still looking for a job so we are not sure where we will be living after that.

Here are some photos from a trip we took last month to Florida for my graduation. We were going to do something in May, but found out my review courses for the bar exam start two days after I graduate. I will try and put some more pictures up as soon as Alessa puts some up on the computer that I can copy.

We flew down to Fort Lauderdale, and then drove down to the Florida Keys. We didn't have any money to do anything once we got there so we just spent a lot of time playing on the beach.