Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fourth of July

The kids had a great time on the fourth. This was right after a bicycle parade in the neighborhood that Kent got to ride in. He was a little worn out by the end. Their favorite part was the fire truck leading the way and blowing its siren.


Kiersten said...

Hey I found your blog, because I remembered that you said you had one, and the blog address was a lucky guess.

Krista said...

i can't believe how grown-up your boys are looking!!
cute cute family!!
i'm glad ya'll have a blog and we can stay in touch better this way! Ü

Tecia said...

Hey Alessa, I left this same request on Ashley's blog...hopefully I can get your opinion as well. We're looking at a potential relocation to the Denver area. I'm wondering if you can tell me a little about the areas around Denver...affordability, schools, parks, things to do, etc. Where do you live? I hope you don't mind me picking your brain. My email is


Cami Bruschke said...

I didn't know you have a blog - you have to tell me these things. Very cute!