Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Moving to Cortez

We just found out last night that I have been hired by the DA's office down in Cortez, CO as a Deputy District Attorney and start in a week and a half, so we will be moving there later this week. There is a lot of cool stuff all around it, including the Four Corners and Mesa Verde 10 minutes away, so we are excited to be moving there, even if it is a little abrupt.


Kiersten said...


I'm actually really excited to get to visit you, because I love four corners area and Mesa Verde. I've also always wanted to visit Taos, and you will be a nice base for that trip.

Joseph & Tracy Larsen said...

wow! Congratulations! WE are so so happy for you!

Nate said...

Thats great you guys!
Sounds like an adventure!
Good luck with the move.